Aether current ffxiv
Aether current ffxiv

aether current ffxiv

So long as youve collected all of the Aether. Note: You will need to complete five Aether-related quests outside of the ten you need to attune. Screenshot by Gamepur The Aether Currents you find in Final Fantasy XIV give you access to flying mounts. Yellow Quests for Aether Currents (Keep in mind some quests have to be unlocked to appear and the Main Scenario unlock an Aether Current) Coerthas Western Highlands. Some can be tricky, so we’ll try to better inform you where exactly you’ll need to go. Main Scenario Quests are quests that tell the main story of Final Fantasy XIV.These quests often have cutscenes and voice acting, and also unlock important features of the game: airship travel, Grand Company access, a personal chocobo mount, as well as dungeons and trials are unlocked through progression of the main questline.


We have collected a full list of locations for each Aether Current in all of the Stormblood areas, with maps and screenshots to better help you out. Unfortunately, these are scattered all across each area, so you’ll need to keep your eyes open… or you could just find them here. While Aether Currents are specifically placed in the zones, and waiting for you to be collected, there are other ways to get the Aether Currents as well. This Aether Current is on the northern island of the map at X: 13.4, Y: 7.6. If you're looking for the exact locations of each aether current, the coordinates are below: 1). sidequests) in ffxiv that have rewards like minions/emotes/special gear etc. Fling is like a reward for getting to know each of the regions the game has. The Aether Currents are easily unlocked on this map since all of them are relatively near the areas you'll need to venture to when completing the Main Scenario's quests. Explore Tumblr posts for tag Aether Currents.

aether current ffxiv aether current ffxiv

These are locked behind Aether Currents, which players simply need to find and attune. Collecting an Aether Current of a zone will give you the ability to fly in the zone. This continues with Stormblood as being able to fly across the map will save countless hours off any player’s play time. Hi Folks, I finally decided to do all my aether currents to be able to fly on every zone and I found it more cumbersome than I was expecting. Actually getting around was made significantly easier, especially considering how multi-layered most of the maps were. To unlock flying in the new FFXIV: Endwalker zones, you’ll need to collect 10 Aether Currents for. One of the best additions to Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward was flying mounts. Part of Final Fantasy 14 guides, tips, tricks, and walkthroughs.

Aether current ffxiv